I know probably nobody even reads this blog thingy. But for those of you random people who might stumble upon it (and for posterity) I will update the world on "My Wonderful Life".
This last year has been so full and fabulous I havn't posted much - so i'm gonna play some MAJOR catch up right now!!!!!!!!!!
I suffered from a major crush on a youge man from our church. I struggled with how to respond to a wonderful man I knew I would love to marry and spend the rest of my life with - only problem was i was entirely commited to allowing God to plan and orchastrate this area of my life. I wanted so badly to show initiative and get "something" started - but God had another plan. And so instead I learned patience and to trust God.
Mom and dad took me into their room one evening and told me that Stephen (the guy I had a crush on) had been meeting with dad and had asked for permission to court me! I can't even begin to put into words the joy and wonder i felt at this news! My God had a bigger plan I could never have imagined!
Time goes by quickly! June saw our family take a trip to Texas for Nationals and Rian and Whittneys wedding.
Yeah, skipping ahead again, I know! November saw me determined to NaNoRiMo (National Novel Writting Month) the idea is you challenge your self to write a 500,000 word novel in one month. Yeah right! I quite after 15,000 words - I know i'm a quitter. Sorry :-)
The 11th was more than the most beautiful day of the year for weather it was also the day that Stephen proposed - yep thats right - he took me for a walk and then when my back was tured got down on his knee and when I tured back around he took my hand, for the first time (we had agreed on having no physical contact during courtship. In so many ways it became a beautiful reason to find ways other than physical touch to express our growing love for eachother. As well as a way to gaurd against temptation.) and so any way . . . after a very romantic speech I told him i'd marry him (he made the romantic speech, I just said "yes" and took the ring)
So that's my life - all caught up to date.
We are working on wedding stuff - with alot of Christmas and baby planning as well (Whittney is due to have my nephew January 2nd)
The wedding is set for February 23rd, and neither Stephen or I think it can come soon enough.
I always new i served a God who made dreams come true - i just never imagined something as wonderful or as beautiful as this.
I know i dont' deserve such blessing or such an amazing guy. But than on the same hand I also know i don't deserve the love and mercy that nailed my savior to a cross and bought my eternal salvation. As Christmas draws near may we all remember that but for the babe in the manger who would grow up to be the perfect lamb upon the cruel cross, we would be nothing but lost miserable sinners heading towards our just reward in a place of eternal torment and misery. How can we ever thank HIM enough for all he's done?
Christmas blessings to you all. My prayers is that this Christmas season you will grow closer to your heavenly savior and if you dont' know him personaly that you will discover him for the very first time and begin the journy of a lifetime. What better time to turn your life over to the savior of the world, but at the celebration of his birth!
In Christ ~ Lydia
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