Friday, July 21, 2006

Your Best

Deep in my heart, in darkness,
I waited for your best
I wanted you to fill my heart
So I begrudgingly took the test

You asked me if I was willing
To give up all my dreams
I answered, “Yes Lord”
But I wined about the pain

You never said it would be easy
I didn’t expect that
I guess I was just wishing
I could take a dream or two back

You lovingly guided me onward
Though I drug my heels
And wished that every hill
Wasn’t so steep and still

I wanted your best, it’s true
I thought I could pay the price
But I didn’t understand
That your best- is you

“Why can’t I have it now?”
I asked with tired eyes
And it was then your answer
Took me by surprise

“This is my best my child
If you will never depart
You’ll live each day in my best
As I gently guide your heart”

Suddenly I realized
That deep within my heart
You’d removed the darkness
And took my dreams apart

Now your dreams not mine
Live deep within my heart
And every day I can sing with joy
At the grace that you impart

As I follow your best
I find that every day you
Gently guide and guard
My heart in your best – the only way

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

God's Boxes
I have in my hands two boxes
Which God gave me to hold
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box
And all your joys in the gold."
I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,
Both my joys and sorrows I stored
But though the gold became heavier each day
The black was as light as before
With curiosity, I opened the black
I wanted to find out why
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.
I showed the hole to God, and mused
"I wonder where my sorrows could be
He smiled a gentle smile and said
"My child, they're all here with me.."
I asked God, why He gave me the boxes
Why the gold and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings
The black is for you to let go."

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ok, well here are my Fourth of July pictures! A little late, but hey, better late than never. We had a really cool 4th celebration in Kingston that our Church hosted, it is becoming an annual event! It was sooooooo much fun, but went way to fast. Hope you enjoy these pictures.

Root-beer floats were a nice treat for such a warm day!

The fiddle band was VERY good, Faith (third from right) had a blast playing in it this year!

Carl and Josh Kingery playing mini golf, they are both way to cute!

The cast from our play "heroine of the Battle Road" It was fun to put together but we really could have used a little more practice! below a scene from the play with Abby and me

And the Cornerstone church tradition......Volley ball!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I had a wonderfull fourth of July, I think the 4th is my favorite holiday! I love being an American, and celebrating our country's birthday and Godly heritage! It reminds me of all that our forfathers had to go through and what it took to get us were we are today, as well as what we'll have to give in order to get us through the future years! I havn't got my pic of the 4th on my computer yet, but when I do i'll post some for ya'll!

Last night (the 7th) I went to Hannah & Johnny's wedding. Hannah was a Knock-Dead-Gorgeous bride! Johnny wasn't half bad looking himself, but with a bride like Hannah he didn't have a chance! I hope and pray they will be richly blessed as they start their life together!

Here are a few pictures I took at the reception..........

This is a lovely pic of the newly-wed couple, so cute!
All Smiles!

Kelly, Sarah, Hannah, Erin, Me, and Jen, all of us former CLC photo students. It seems only yesterday we were all at the school running around like crazy people acomplishing nothing! What fun! I miss ya'll sooooooo much hope to see ya again soon!

Well God Bless and Good Night! ~ Lydia

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I love princess stories, they are soooooooooooo much fun! So i decided to take a shot at writting my own one day. I hope you enjoy it! It's was fun to write and in alot of ways i feel like it's a little glimps of my own "princess" story!

The Making of a Princess

By ~ Lydia Froemming

Slowly the small girl placed her small dirty hands under the gently flowing water. It felt so good, she rubbed softly, than a little harder, than as hard as she possibly could. With tears in her eyes she removed her hands and stared at them, just as dirty as ever, was there nothing she could do to wash away the awful dirt and grim? With a sad sigh she turned to walk away from the fountain, as she did so a finely dressed young man laughed at her calling after her retreating figure, “You’ll never get those filthy hands clean, you were born with dirty hands! You’ll never be any thing but a no-good beggar!”

With tears streaming down her face Reanna ran as fast as her small legs would carry her. She didn’t know were she was going, there was no were to go, maybe he was right, maybe she would wander the streets all of her life as a filthy no-good beggar. Collapsing beside a small stone fence she wiped the tears from her eyes with her dirty little hands and sighed, “I have no right to be any thing more than a beggar; I’m nothing, no body. Why would any one want to love me? I’m dirty and ugly, I’m small and uneducated. Yes all I’m good for is to beg on the streets.”

One fine day a magnificent knight rod into the small country village, he had an important announcement to make. Pulling himself up to his greatest height and looking as important as possible he slowly and dramatically read a proclamation from the King, “To All my loyal subjects……..My son and I will come to your village and choose a Princess from among your daughters. She shall be both Noble and Pure. Of good Faith, of Gentle Priceless Beauty, a Jewel among Jewels; Be ready for soon I shall come.” And with that the knight mounted his horse and galloped off to the next village. All the villagers gathered around to talk of the Kings visit, who would he pick, would it be one of their fine daughters? All the village girls ran off to ready themselves for the Kings arrival, they prepared there best clothes, practiced their most beautiful songs, and readied themselves for the coming of the King.

Slowly little Reanna, turned and walked away, what was this proclamation to her? The King would never choose her, she had no fine clothes to wear, her hair was dirty and matted, he dress torn. She didn’t know how to sing she knew no clever words or manners to impress the King. She was nothing only a dirty beggar girl. With tears in her eyes she realized that even if she had all the beauty of the world she had still done too many bad things to ever become a real princess. Why just that morning she had stolen an apple from a market women’s basket when she wasn’t looking. And not long ago she had broken a window in a rich man’s house.

The day came bright and clear, the King came tall and handsome, his noble son standing at his side. All the village gathered round, waiting for the King to make his choice. The village girls pushed and shoved trying to be the first to see the King, and trying not to ruin their fine dresses and extravagantly done hair. Suddenly a beautiful girl pushed her way to the front an ran towards the King, breathlessly she burst out, “ Oh’ King……why look any farther….for a princess…..when it is obvious that only I am worthy of the position you offer! For I am the most beautiful, accomplished, witty girl in your entire Kingdom! Look no farther, here I am!”

The King looked at the girl and said, “I have but one question for you, fair one, what makes a princess?” Without a second thought the girl laughingly replied, “why of course it’s what she lookes like and acts like, for if you don’t look like a princess, surely you can’t be a princess!” The King shook his head and all the other girls rushed near shouting out why they should be chosen, what their special gift was, and how their beauty far surpassed all the rest’s.

Soon the King grew tired of the noise and looking over the crowd say a small dirty little girl walking silently and dejectedly away. With a quick word to his son and a motion of his hand the small girl was brought to him. Bending down and looking lovingly and kindly in her face he asked, “What is your name precious child?” Frightened and ashamed of her poor, dirty appearance she fell to her knees crying. “Oh’ mighty King, I am not precious, I am nothing but the dirt of the street. Nothing but a poor little thief and liar; My name is Reanna, and I’m naught but the town beggar.” And with that she burst into tears. Gently lifting her he asked, “What have you to give, why should you be my princess?” Looking up into his kind face she wondered if he was mocking her, why should he ask such things? What had she to give? Nothing! Such was her answer, “All I have is sins and dirty hands.” She said holding her small hands out to him “nothing more, that is all.” And she once again hung her head in shame.

The King looked up with a smile. “I have found my Princess”, he said. She is all that I require, for she is of a humble spirit, and a beautiful heart. The making of a Princess is not on the outside, but rather what she posses within. The heart that knows it is nothing is the heart that pleases the King. For it is the heart that will show true gratitude and love for Her King.”

And with that the King mounted his horse with his new precious Princess seated behind him, and with his son and attendants rod off. Reanna looked back in wonder on the village and the life she had left behind. She didn’t understand why, all she knew was never before had anyone loved her like this. And that was enough; she loved her King and would follow him to the ends of the earth. She was a Princess, in the truest sense of the word.