Friday, July 21, 2006

Your Best

Deep in my heart, in darkness,
I waited for your best
I wanted you to fill my heart
So I begrudgingly took the test

You asked me if I was willing
To give up all my dreams
I answered, “Yes Lord”
But I wined about the pain

You never said it would be easy
I didn’t expect that
I guess I was just wishing
I could take a dream or two back

You lovingly guided me onward
Though I drug my heels
And wished that every hill
Wasn’t so steep and still

I wanted your best, it’s true
I thought I could pay the price
But I didn’t understand
That your best- is you

“Why can’t I have it now?”
I asked with tired eyes
And it was then your answer
Took me by surprise

“This is my best my child
If you will never depart
You’ll live each day in my best
As I gently guide your heart”

Suddenly I realized
That deep within my heart
You’d removed the darkness
And took my dreams apart

Now your dreams not mine
Live deep within my heart
And every day I can sing with joy
At the grace that you impart

As I follow your best
I find that every day you
Gently guide and guard
My heart in your best – the only way

1 comment:

MissMarit said...

I bet you wrote that one too!