Friday, September 04, 2009

Random . . .
I started lifting weights this week - I've never done any kind of weight training before but we recently obtained a weight bench and as i'm rather on the flabby side than otherwise I thougt I should give this "excercise" thing a go (of course another motivation is that Stephen and I went bowling the other night and I was so weak I couldn't find a ball "light" enough for me ;(
So on Monday Stephen showed me how to properly use the weight bench - so I wouldn't kill myself - and I did it (ok, ok, so I can only bench press 20pounds - shut up!) And of all the suprises life has to offer I discovered that I actually REALLY like lifting weights!!!!!

Yes, me, the biggest wimp in the world, the one who thinks walking out to the garage to dump the trash is to much work, the one who whines and cries my way through 20 situps or even a 10 mine pilate workout, yes me! I like lifting weights!
We'll see how long it lasts (hopefully long enough to work off this "baby flab" and get my arms in shape enough to bowl!) But for now, I'm a weight lifter!
So watch out world here I come!!!!

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