They say that when your happy your heart will "sing". Well i've decided that is the only thing of mine that should ever sing!
Last night my darling and adorable son decided that sleeping was just to hard. Being awake in the middle of the night is just sooooooooo much more fun! After all, mom really doesn't need any sleep. Sleep is highly overrated, right?!!?!?!?!? Well I didn't really think so, especi
ally since I had a good friend comming over today so I actually had to get up and get looking decent this morning. I really wanted a good nights sleep!

David not only decided to be awake, but also to scream. Now keeping me up was bad enough but I really didn't want him to keep Stephen awake since he had to get up early for work. I decided to try singing to my sweet baby - that's supposed to help right?
He was quiet at first (no doubt trying to determine if this new sound he heard was friendly or not) But upon further continuation of the "noise" he seemes to have come to the conclusion it was horrible - for he started crying again lounder than ever. My rendition of all the parts of differant hymns that I could remember was obviously not very soothing. Perhaps it was because the tunes all ran together into a kind of dull droning, something like a sick cow or a angry duck.
So today after much thought I've decided singing is not for me. If my infant son can't even stand it no doubt the rest of the world would rather do without.
But for now I must run - my son is singing his own song - not exactly beautiful but effective! "I'm hungry mom - come feed me NOW"
Until next time - "The musicless mother"
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