Sunday, October 18, 2009

I have decided to retire this blog and start a new one. One that I hope to update more frequently with posts on my day to day life. Thank you to those who have been faithful "followers"! And I hope you enjoy the new blog.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Random . . .
I started lifting weights this week - I've never done any kind of weight training before but we recently obtained a weight bench and as i'm rather on the flabby side than otherwise I thougt I should give this "excercise" thing a go (of course another motivation is that Stephen and I went bowling the other night and I was so weak I couldn't find a ball "light" enough for me ;(
So on Monday Stephen showed me how to properly use the weight bench - so I wouldn't kill myself - and I did it (ok, ok, so I can only bench press 20pounds - shut up!) And of all the suprises life has to offer I discovered that I actually REALLY like lifting weights!!!!!

Yes, me, the biggest wimp in the world, the one who thinks walking out to the garage to dump the trash is to much work, the one who whines and cries my way through 20 situps or even a 10 mine pilate workout, yes me! I like lifting weights!
We'll see how long it lasts (hopefully long enough to work off this "baby flab" and get my arms in shape enough to bowl!) But for now, I'm a weight lifter!
So watch out world here I come!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Just for Fun I thought I'd post a few pic of David (and a crazy one of me!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

~ David ~
My precious baby boy! What a sweet and precious blessing he is!
5months old

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I look into your eyes and grace is all I see
Forgiveness like an ocean, wild, vast and free

All I’ve ever done, all I’ll ever be
Palls in comparison to your outstanding love for me

I stand before you now, wild, weak and worn
But you in your power lift and fix the heart that’s torn

Such amazing love, such outstanding grace
Makes it not only bearable but fun to run this race

As the darkness gathers, as the storm clouds roll
I find my security in knowing that the world you hold

Your love is sufficient all I’ll ever need
I’m forever safe so long as I’m on my knees

Friday, May 29, 2009


We've done it! Purchased a house :-) I'm soooooooooooooooooo excited, Stephen and I are now the proud owners of the most adorable little house in Litchfield, MN.

God has worked wonderfully in providing this home for our small family! We began considering the idea of buying a house about 2months ago.

Our one bedroom appartment was just to small for our growing family. After all a baby takes up a lot of space!

We found this house in Litch and just LOVED it! Not only was it cute, but was listed at an outstanding price.

We made an offer, but unfortunatly complications arose and we began to feel we would not get the house after all. We had basicly given up hope on this particular home and had even started looking at other options.

But then the realtor called and told us that the house had been relisted with a new agent and for less - in fact for exactly what we wanted to pay!

What a GOD thing :-)

So now we have a bit of work to do - but are planning on moving into our new home sometime before the end of June!

~ Lydia

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I remember when I was younger and all i wanted was to grow up and get married. I wanted a baby sooooooooooooooo bad. I can remember one time in particular (I was probably about 14 or 15) looking in the mirror in my room and imagining seeing me holding my own child. Every time i'd hold a baby i'd wonder what it would be like to hold my OWN baby. At times the longing was so intense it translated into a physical ache. I know that may seem weird. But i longed so deeply and purely for a baby of my own that I could physicaly feel that desire.

Now as I look at my sleeping infant son, I again ache. Not an ache of unfufilled desire but one of abundant and overflowing love. Untill you've bore a child you can't possibly know what love is. The love that comes from knowing that this small innocent little baby needs you, completly trusts you, and is totally dependant on you is more amazing than words can tell. I can't even begin to express what I feel, all i know is that I ache with love for this helpless little child.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The NUK !

I always said my children would not have nuks (pacifiers) I disliked the look of a baby with a plastic plug in their mouth. I'd rather have a thumb sucker any day!

But God has a way of making me eat my words. While David was in the hospital we made the choice to give him a pacifier in the hopes it would help him learn to suck and he would be able to lach on and nurse soon/better. Well, after returning home I found excuses not to "throw" out the plastic plug, it was nice on drives, it worked wonders in church, the grandmas really liked to have it while babysitting . . . all in all the truth be told I had become dependant on the nuk to keep David quiet when I didn't want him to be loud.

All seemed well and good, I told myself (and unfortunatly others) that when the "free" nuk from the hospital (is any thing they give you there really "free" ?) was gone, whether that be lost, stolen or otherwise, it would be gone for good - I wasn't going to buy one and it would be the perfect opportunity to ween David of it.

Again I would eat my words.

One fatefull Saturday, we went to visit my parents.

Mom and I went garage saleling for a while, leaving David at the house in the charge of my younger sisters. When I returned David, poor baby, was more than ready to nurse and was only being held off by being rocked by his Aunt Faith and sucking on his ever faithful nuk. Well to make a long story short I nursed him, and later that evening we prepared to leave . . . but were was the pacifier? It was not to be found (and still has not been now several weeks later) So I thought, "well I guess it's pacifier weening time!"

On the drive home David got fussy, and I wished for the nuk. That night as we watched a movie and David started to fuss I wished for his nuk. And most certainly the next day in church when the poor little guy would NOT be happy did I most heartily wish for that nuk!

As I walked with him in the back of church I noticed the lost-and-found box sitting in a corner - there right on top sat a NUK! Oh' how I longed that it was mine. I continued to pace with my unhappy child, each time I passed that box I grew more envyous of whomever that nuk belonged to. Finally as David REFUSED to be comforted and as I was at the end of my rope, my longings became to intense and I made my choice. I would borrow the lost-and-now-found nuk. I took it to the kitchen and washed it really well. And then popped it into Davids mouth . . . he LOVED it, even better than his old nuk, I was hooked. When I was told after church to keep the nuk as the lost-and-found items were rarely claimed and were destined to soon make a one way trip to GoodWill I couldn't resist. And that is why, my friend, we again have a nuk in the house!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


They say that when your happy your heart will "sing". Well i've decided that is the only thing of mine that should ever sing!

Last night my darling and adorable son decided that sleeping was just to hard. Being awake in the middle of the night is just sooooooooo much more fun! After all, mom really doesn't need any sleep. Sleep is highly overrated, right?!!?!?!?!? Well I didn't really think so, especially since I had a good friend comming over today so I actually had to get up and get looking decent this morning. I really wanted a good nights sleep!

David not only decided to be awake, but also to scream. Now keeping me up was bad enough but I really didn't want him to keep Stephen awake since he had to get up early for work. I decided to try singing to my sweet baby - that's supposed to help right?

He was quiet at first (no doubt trying to determine if this new sound he heard was friendly or not) But upon further continuation of the "noise" he seemes to have come to the conclusion it was horrible - for he started crying again lounder than ever. My rendition of all the parts of differant hymns that I could remember was obviously not very soothing. Perhaps it was because the tunes all ran together into a kind of dull droning, something like a sick cow or a angry duck.

So today after much thought I've decided singing is not for me. If my infant son can't even stand it no doubt the rest of the world would rather do without.

But for now I must run - my son is singing his own song - not exactly beautiful but effective! "I'm hungry mom - come feed me NOW"

Until next time - "The musicless mother"